dieUX cartoons by Pat Godfrey
Revised on September 1, 2023
Pat's dieUX cartoons observe the lighter side of user experience (UX) and allied design.
“ Although the dieUX characters don't represent anyone, they often do…”
What's dieUX about?
This site began in 2019 as the final project of Pat's MSc UX design. The aim is to demonstrate how we can encode digital cartoon content for inclusion. Most often, it's not. Read all About this project .
Today's Cartoon Collection
Our senior designer's mournful looking young colleague is hunched in despair. "Why didn't I listen to your wisdom?" They ask.
Our senior answers offers a sage reply, "We are wise to ignore others' wisdom. Wisdom comes from our own learning. It's what mistakes are for".
A moment later he adds, "Now fix this mess quickly before the Director shares his wisdom with me!"
Our senior designer's is stood in the Dorector's office. He asks, "Do you want a quality and more expensive design?" He pauses. "Or a cheaper and less valuable one?".
The Director's face is inscrutable as he slowly responds with darkly toned malice, "Whichever is the most cost effective?"
Our senior designer's project manager smiles past and glibly asks, "About the scheduled schedule meeting?"
Our senior designer sighs while thinking, "And the punch line…"
The project manager doesn't disappoint, "We need to reschedule it". Our senior designer snorts back, "Bingo".
Our senior designer's heart pounds as the girl from engineering comes near. "Hi, Charlene!" A pause as our senior takes in Charlene's casual-fitting dungarees. "Oh, is it Dress Down Friday?" He asks to start a conversation.
Charlene walks swiftly away. Slowly, our senior realises it isn't Friday. The well-connected intern slides in. "Smooth", he says annoyingly.
The stern Program Manager invites our senior designer into his office. "So, what does my new UX Designer do, exactly?" He asks.
Our designer replies with all that's good about user experience design to achieve our users' goals and to achieve a sense of delight.
The Personal Assistant slides in and whispers in the Program Manager's ear, "Ask if it makes the coffee?"
Our senior designer approaches the product designer and asks accusingly, "Your accessible app design?" The product designer responds abruptly with, "Yes?"
Without pause, our senior designer spits wryly, "I couldn't access it".
The gruff Program Manager asks our senior designer, "red, or green?".
Our designer thinks how to answer. "Blue", he replies.
Our senior designer has been busy and reports back to the slightly psychopathic UX Director. "I sent the client proposal by email, private message, bullitin board, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, surface mail, and motorcycle. Did I forget anything, Sir?"
The Director stares back menacingly, his clawed hand stroking the throat of a carrier pigeon like a super-villain petting his cat.